Expert Pool Keys ---------------- Dialogues: left/right - change option space/enter - select option v - view table (hold) (not when game is paused eg. menus) Dynamics: a - accelerate shot (speeds viewing only) v - view table (hold) Flow: Esc - skip F1 - menu toggle f9/f10/f11/f12 - change camera Scores: F2 - reveal score panel Mouse shot control: e - apply english ctrl - raise butt space - exit stage s - declare safety p - declare pushout r - action replay u - undo (available only in practice mode) < - cycle backwards through available cueballs (normally just the white ball) > - cycle forwards through available cueballs (normally just the white ball) b - nominate ball n - nominate pocket v - view table (hold) Manual respot: Mouse - rotate view around ball z+mouse - zoom in and out Right+mouse - move ball around Left - confirm position v - view table (hold) Ball/pocket nomination Mouse - cycles left/right through possible selections left arrow - cycle left right arrow - cycle right left click - confirm choice space/enter - confirm choice n/b - abort esc - abort v - view table (hold) View table mode Mouse - rotate view around focus point Right+mouse - zoom in and out Left+mouse - move focus point around table v - release to return to previous mode